Prosthodontics is a speciality, dealing with the restoration of oral function creating complete dentures, crowns, implant retained/supported restorations. Maxillofacial prosthetics is a sub-specialty of prosthodontics practiced in the department to treat patients who have acquired and congenital defects of the head and neck (maxillofacial) region i.e. due to surgery, trauma, and/or birth defects. The department has been instructing undergraduates with separate practical hall for dental materials, and pre-clinical prosthetic lab. In the III and IV year, undergarduates are guided by competent clinicians and acadamecians in complete dentures and can handle simple cases.
Post graduates are exhaustively trained in complete dentures, removable partial dentures, cast partial dentures, full mouth rehabilitation and maxillofacial prosthesis. The highly disciplined training for postgraduates helps them to undergo the 3-year course and gears them up to face the challenges they may face thereafter. Perfection and Patient satisfaction are the key-motivating factors .The excellent fully equipped laboratory boasts of metal free ceramic furnaces and ultramodern casting machines. The ceramic laboratory further helps in realizing the goals of the department with excellent aesthetic results. The department library is adequately stocked with textbooks, seminars and journals with internet facility.